Latest news

Ahead of the general election we have published our manifesto, 'Anaesthesia: solutions for an NHS in crisis'. We are urging political parties to develop and fund a plan for more doctors to train as anaesthetists and improve retention and efficiency in the NHS.
We are pleased to announce recipients of College awards following the March 2024 meeting of our nominations committee. Award winners are nominated by members of the College for their exceptional contribution to the specialty, both in the UK and internationally.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to announce the appointment of three new lay trustees; Hany Choueiri, Tim Goldbourn and Davina Goodall-Smith.
We are pleased to announce that the topic of the RCoA’s 8th National Audit Project (NAP8) will be complications of regional anaesthesia (peripheral blocks and central neuraxial blockade) and other neurological complications of anaesthesia.