The RCoA is often asked to distribute external surveys to our members
Requests are regularly submitted by research-active members regarding the distribution of surveys relating to anaesthetists and their practice. Whilst the College does not directly distribute external surveys, we will advertise them on this page and in our established member communications, subject to approval. Members wishing to submit a survey should closely follow the guidance on this page.
Members wishing to make a survey submission should complete an RCoA Survey Application Form and return it to Please read the form and this guidance carefully before submitting.
Survey Submission Guidelines
- approved surveys are shared as links on this webpage or electronically as part of established RCoA communication channels – only apply if your project is using an online survey tool
- the scheduling of all survey distribution and the inclusion of specific surveys is at the RCoA’s discretion
- please be aware that the RCoA also runs its own surveys of members and your project may clash with ongoing RCoA work
- there may also be a number of surveys awaiting distribution and your project timescales may not line up with RCoA capacity
- the RCoA will not bulk email its members with a message specific to your survey, nor will it coordinate physical mail-outs of survey materials
- survey links will only be circulated following review by members of Council for relevance to the overall RCoA strategy, and a subsequent methodological review by members of the CR&I Executive Management Board. Applicants with fixed data collection time-frames should plan several weeks’ lead-in time for any submission to accommodate this, plus any changes required by the reviewers to the survey contents
- return completed Survey Application Forms to
Please Note
Whilst the RCoA has agreed to circulate the links for these surveys for the interest of its members, unless otherwise noted, neither the RCoA nor the CR&I are members of the survey teams or official sponsors of any of these research projects.
Current Surveys
Measures to ensure good care before, during and after surgery
Thank you to everyone who took part in a study led by THIS Institute to identify which metrics would be best to measure care before, during and after surgery. If you took part previously, we'd appreciate it if you could complete the second task to find out if you are happy with how the metrics were ranked and what, if any, changes you would make.
Simply log back into your Thiscovery account and the survey will be available on your dashboard.
Take part between 6-28 February 2025.
Psychological Preparedness Before Elective Surgery: UK Anaesthetists' Beliefs and Practice
The Patient and Public Involvement Team at the RCoA is seeking to understand anaesthetists' attitudes, practice and awareness of resources to support patient preparation before surgery, with a specific focus on psychological wellbeing. You are invited to participate in this short survey. Your valuable insights will help shape future patient resources and improve support for both clinicians and patients during the preoperative period.
The survey closes 31 March 2025.
Paediatric stabilisation survey for stage 3 anaesthetists
This is a survey looking at the experience and training of stage 3 anaesthetists in managing non anaesthetic paediatric emergencies. We aim to look at the variation of training throughout the UK, comfort levels and what courses are available. It is being led by Dr Simon Chitnis, ST5 Anaesthesia, West of Scotland and Dr Lyndsey Forbes, College Tutor, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
The survey closes 31 March 2025.
Working with patients with mental health issues in intensive care
A group of NHS clinicians and academics from the University of Bath are hoping to improve training about and care for those with mental health issues in acute hospital intensive care settings. This survey is for doctors and nurses who have worked in an ICU at least one month of the last 12, and explores their attitudes, knowledge and skills related to working with patients with mental health in ICU.
The survey closes in March 2025.
Sustainable TIVA Practices
This short survey led by a team at Torbay hospital, Devon is aimed at all anaesthetists. Questions briefly explore syringe reuse and propofol conservation behaviours with the aim of providing a national picture of practice that will highlight opportunities to reduce single use plastic consumption and propofol waste.
The survey closes in June 2025.
Chest drain patient and staff survey
Health care professionals and patients/relatives with chest drain experience are being invited to take part in a research study run by a research group from Nottingham University Hospitals. They want to find out which complications of chest drains are most troublesome for both hospital patients and staff around the country. They will use this information to help design better chest drain equipment and inform/develop future research.
The survey closes on 20 January 2026.
Do you have a survey you wish to submit to the College?
Please ensure that you complete a Survey Application Form in full before making your submission. If you have any queries, please contact us for advice.