Quality Network

The Quality Network aims to share successes and lessons learned from quality improvement (QI) work, help fellows and members to develop their QI knowledge and increase their confidence to undertake improvement projects.  

Many departments are working on similar QI aims, and there is a lot we can learn from each other.  The quality network aims to give our members a peer to peer network to coordinate, share and spread ideas and resources. This includes the sharing of best practice, and signposting training and project opportunities.

Quality Network Virtual Sessions

Join us online for discussions about quality improvement. Find out more and register here

Regional Leads

The network is led by the below group of Regional Leads who facilitate local communication and take an overview of what is going on in their region; each region will have up to two regional leads. To contact your regional lead please email qualityimprovement@rcoa.ac.uk

Spotlight on a Regional Lead

We are starting a new series to spotlight the work of our regional leads. Read about them and their region here

Opportunities to join the Quality Network

If you are interested in becoming a Regional Lead for any of our vacant regions or in a region where there is currently only one lead you can find out about the role here.  To apply, please send a copy of your CV and a cover letter outlining your experience and interest in QI to qualityimprovement@rcoa.ac.uk Applications will be reviewed by the College's Quality Improvement Working Group

Region Regional Lead
East Midlands 

Dr Prashant Kakodkar
Dr Vishal Thanawala

East of England


KSS - Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Dr Mark Harper

Dr Diana Neely

London- Barts and the

London School of Anaesthesia


London- Central London School

of Anaesthesia 

Dr Edward Burdett
Dr Samantha Warnakulasuriya 

London- Imperial School

of Anaesthesia

Dr Jenny Illingworth

London- South East School

of Anaesthesia

Dr Joe Lipton

London- St George’s School

of Anaesthesia

Dr Maria Chereshneva 
North East

Dr David Laws
Dr Tom Haigh 

North West- Mersey

Dr Charlotte Berwick

North West Dr Leanne Darwin
Northern Ireland Dr Laure Martin 
Peninsula (South West)

Dr Adam Revill
Dr Matt Hill

Scotland - North Dr Michelle Lamont
Scotland - South East Dr Kate Carey
Scotland - Tayside Dr Susan Chapman
Scotland - West

Dr Fiona Christie

Severn Dr Lesley Jordan
Thames Valley Dr Khurram Ayub 
Wales Dr Gethin Pugh
Wessex Dr Sarah McCormick
West Midlands- Birmingham Dr Satinder Dalay
West Midlands- Stoke on Trent vacancy
West Midlands- Warwickshire vacancy
Yorkshire and Humber

Dr Ramya Somasekhar


Departmental QI Leads 

Each department should have a designated lead (or leads, departments can nominate more than one lead if desired) chosen through an internal process within the anaesthetic department. Their nominated title within a department may vary, for example, QI Lead or Audit Lead.

Further information about the indicative QI department lead job description can be found here.