e-Learning Anaesthesia
e-Learning Anaesthesia
e-Learning Anaesthesia (e-LA) is an interactive and engaging web-based learning resource developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in partnership with e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH).
Written and edited by anaesthetists, e-LA covers the knowledge and key concepts that underpin the anaesthetic curriculum and will help trainees prepare for the FRCA examination. The learning material is presented as a structured series of bite-sized sessions including access to an extensive e-Library of articles and interactive MCQs to support continued professional development in anaesthesia.
Click here to log into e-Learning Anaesthesia
The wealth of learning resources available on e-learning Anaesthesia (e-LA) is truly remarkable and forms a cornerstone of lifelong learning for all professionals in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine in the UK and increasingly around the world.
Frequently asked questions
The recommended way to access e-learning Anaesthesia is via the e-Learning for Healthcare Hub (known as the e-LfH hub). Users need to register on the e-LfH using their NHS email address; more information on how to do this can be found here.
The e-LfH hub requires you to enter an email address and provide your current role and workplace location. Please use your work email address as this helps us to determine which e-learning programmes can be made available to you.
Following registration you will be sent an email containing a link to create a password for your account, please check your email for this communication. The email will come from no.reply@e-lfh.org.uk and may go into the spam or junk folder. The link to set a confidential password will last for two weeks after which it can be reset.
If you hold an OpenAthens account, you do not need to re-register for the e-LfH Hub. You will find e-Learning for Healthcare under the resources area on your OpenAthens account. You can select 'sign on with OpenAthens' on the e-LfH login page and link your OpenAthens and e-LfH accounts.
If you do not have an NHS email address you will need to purchase a license to access e-Learning Anaesthesia. Licenses can be purchased from the community interest company - e-integrity. All profits made by e-integrity are used to upgrade and add content on e-Learning Anaesthesia. To purchase a license visit e-integrity here.
In this instance you will need to contact the e-LfH hub support team. There are a few ways to do this including live chat and raising a ticket with the support team. Further support can be found here
Once you have logged in, there is an e-LA programme icon which you need to select and then a list of folders appear with the different categories of content. Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top of the screen.
e-LA for Anaesthetists in Training
Modules 1-7 of e-LA are targeted at Anaesthetists in Training and are mapped to the Core Training Curriculum as detailed below
01 the Operating Theatre Environment
02 basic Science for Novice Trainees
03 anaesthetic Equipment for Novice Trainees
04 preoperative Assessment and Management
05 induction of Anaesthesia and Intraoperative
06 postoperative Management
07 critical Incidents and Management of
08 self Assessment
01 anaesthesia and intercurrent disease
02 preoperative assessment
03 implications of surgery on conduct of anaesthesia
04 preparation for theatre
05 induction of anaesthesia
06 maintenance of general anaesthesia
07 postoperative and recovery care
08 infection control
01 general principles
02 clinical problems in ICU
03 sepsis and MOF
04 unconscious patient
05 trauma
06 transfer medicine
module 4a obstetrics
module 4b paediatrics
module 4c anaesthesia in the elderly
module 7a anatomy
module 7b physiology
module 7c pharmacology
module 7d physics and clinical measurement
module 7e equipment
module 7f mathematics and statistics
Download full details for Module 7
e-LA for Consultants/SAS doctors
Modules 8 - 14 are designed for Consultants and SAS doctors, and contain a combination of e-Learning sessions and articles/MCQs from CEACCP/BJA Education mapped to the intermediate and higher curriculum modules, which can be used for CPD or specialty training. Topics covered include:
- Module 8 - Obstetric
- Module 9 - Ophthalmic Anaesthesia
- Module 10 - Regional Anaesthesia
- Module 11 - Vascular Anaesthesia
- Module 12 - Cardiac Anaesthesia
- Module 13 - Thoracic Anaesthesia
- Module 14 - Neuroanaesthesia.
e-LA Revision Guides
Revision guides have been compiled to cover specific modules in e-Learning Anaesthesia. These interactive pdf guides are designed to support your exam preparation and contain links to the relevant e-Learning sessions alongside handy revision notes. These PDFs can be downloaded onto your smart phone, tablet or desktop computer for offline access. Click on the icon below to be taken straight to the relevant document.
Non-NHS and overseas doctors
For those without an NHS email address, you can purchase access to e-LA as well as other e-learning modules through the community interest company e-integrity
Click here to log into e-Learning Anaesthesia or register for an account using your NHS email address