Welsh Board
Welsh Board
The Welsh Board is focused on supporting and implementing the College's strategy in Wales. Its main objective is to promote high standards of training and practice in anaesthesia in Wales, while maintaining a cohesive and consistent approach to all aspects of College core business across the UK. With the increasingly divergent healthcare system in Wales the board acknowledge and ensure active engagement with Welsh Government.

"The Welsh Board is fully represenetative of anaesthetic services across Wales. The biannual meetings are attended by senior members of the RCoA Council and Executive Team providing a close working relationship and support in discussions with Welsh Government. The Board is ideally positioned to support initiatives across Health Board's to facilitate service improvement and clinician wellbeing."
Welsh Board
The Board consists of an elected member of Council, six elected Consultant members, an elected Specialty, Associate Specialist and Specialist (SAS) Doctor, a trainee and the College RAA for Wales. It also comprises a representative from the following:
- the Welsh Intensive Care Regional Advisers
- the Welsh Pain Medicine Regional Advisers
- the Association of Anaesthesia
- the College's Lay Committee
- a Clinical Director or equivalent representative
- the College senior management, usually the Chief Executive or a director.
The Board also consists of a number of ex-officio and co-opted members and you can find out more in the Board's term of reference document here.
Minutes from the past two Welsh Board meetings can be found below:
You can find the RCoA Welsh Board's Term of Reference here.
Consultation and Endorsement Devolved Nations
More information about the Consultation and Endorsement for resources which pertain solely to a devolved nation can be found here.
The deadline to self-nominate is Monday 10 February at 12 noon. If you have any questions, please contact Dr Simon Ford, Chair, to discuss the role further and gain insight into the experience of being on the Welsh Board.