CCT in Anaesthetics - Core Level Training
Perioperative Medicine
Preoperative assessment
Learning outcomes
- To perform a structured preoperative anaesthetic assessment of a patient prior to surgery and recognise when further assessment/optimisation is required
- To explain options and risks of routine anaesthesia to patients, in a way they understand, and obtain their consent for anaesthesia
- To formulate a plan for the management of common co-existing diseases, in particular the perioperative plan for the patient with diabetes
NB: All competencies annotated with the letter ‘E’ can be examined in any of the components of the Primary examination identified in the FRCA examination blueprint on page B-99 or in the Final examination identified in the Final FRCA blueprint on page C72 of Annex C.
A) History TakingObjectives:
Knowledge |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
HT_BK_01 | Lists the important elements of anaesthetic history taking | A,C,E | 1 |
HT_BK_02 | Recognises that patients do not always present history in a structured fashion | A,C,E | 1 |
HT_BK_03 | Lists the likely causes and risk factors for conditions relevant to mode of presentation | A,C,E | 1 |
HT_BK_04 | Uses the patient’s agenda and history to inform examination, investigation and management | A,C,E | 1 |
Skills |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
HT_BS_01 | Identifies and overcomes barriers to effective communication | A,D | 3,4 |
HT_BS_02 | Manages time and draws consultations to a close appropriately | A,D | 1,3 |
HT_BS_03 | Recognises that effective history taking in non-urgent cases may require several discussions with the patient and other parties over time | A,C | 1 |
HT_BS_04 | Supplements history with standardised instruments or questionnaires when relevant | A,C | 3 |
HT_BS_05 | Identifies alternative and conflicting views from family, carers, friends and members of the multi-professional team | C,M | 3,4 |
HT_BS_06 | Assimilates history from the available information from the patient and other sources | A,C,M | 1,3 |
HT_BS_07 | Interprets and uses non-verbal communication to and from patients and carers | A,D | 3,4 |
HT_BS_08 | Focuses on relevant aspects of history | A,D | 1 |
B) Clinical ExaminationObjectives:
Knowledge |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
CE_BK_01 | Describes the need for a targeted and relevant clinical examination | A,C,E | 1 |
CE_BK_02 | Describes the basis for clinical signs and the relevance of positive and negative physical signs | A,C,E | 1 |
CE_BK_03 | Recognises constraints to performing physical examination and uses strategies to overcome them | A,C | 1 |
CE_BK_04 | Recognises the limitations of physical examination and the need for adjunctive forms of assessment to confirm diagnoses | A,C | 1 |
CE_BK_05 | Offers or uses a chaperone when appropriate | A,C | 3,4 |
Skills |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
CE_BS_01 | Performs an examination relevant to the presentation and risk factors that is valid, targeted and time efficient | A,D | 1 |
CE_BS_02 | Reports the possibility of deliberate harm [both self-harm and harm by others] in vulnerable patients to appropriate agencies | A,C,D | 2,4 |
CE_BS_03 | Actively elicits important clinical findings | D | 1 |
CE_BS_04 | Performs relevant additional examinations | A,D | 1 |
C) InvestigationsObjectives:
Knowledge |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
IN_BK_01 (formerly OA_BS_03) |
Interprets clinical data including, but not exclusively:
A,C,E | 1 |
Skills |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
IN_BS_01 (formerly OA_BS_04) |
Interprets clinical laboratory data including:
A,C,E | 1 |
IN_BS_02 (formerly OA_BS_05) |
Identifies normal appearances and significant abnormalities in radiographs including:
A,C,E | 1 |
D) Specific Anaesthetic EvaluationObjectives:
Knowledge |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
OA_BK_01 | Gives examples of methods of anaesthesia that are suitable for common operations. | A,C,E | 1,2 |
OA_BK_02 | Describes the ASA and NCEPOD classifications and their implications in preparing for and planning anaesthesia and postoperative care | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_03 | Explains the indications for and interpretation of preoperative investigations | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_04 | Lists the indications for preoperative fasting and appropriate regimens | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_05 | Explains the methods commonly used for assessing the airway to predict difficulty with tracheal intubation | A,C,E | 1,2 |
OA_BK_06 | Lists the indications for Rapid Sequence Induction | A,C,D,E | 1,2 |
OA_BK_07 | Gives examples of the effect of common co-existing diseases on anaesthesia and surgery including but not exclusively: obesity; diabetes; asthma; ischaemic heart disease; hypertension; rheumatoid disease; epilepsy | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_08 | Discusses how to manage drug therapy for co-existing disease in the perioperative period including, but not exclusively: diabetic treatment; steroids; anti-coagulants; cardiovascular and respiratory medication; anticonvulsants | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_09 | Explains the available methods to minimise the risk of thromboembolic disease following surgery | A,C,E | 1,2 |
OA_BK_10 | Describes the complications of anaesthetic drugs [including anaphylaxis, suxamethonium apnoea and malignant hyperpyrexia] and how to predict patients who are at increased risk of these complications | A,C,E | 1,2 |
OA_BK_11 | Identifies the principles of consent for surgery and anaesthesia, including the issue of capacity | A,C,E | 3,4 |
OA_BK_12 |
Explains the guidance given by the GMC on consent, in particular:
A,C,E | 3,4 |
OA_BK_13 | Summarises the factors determining a patient’s suitability for treatment as an ambulant or day-stay patient | A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BK_14 | Recalls the factors that affect the risk of a patient suffering post-operative nausea & vomiting | A,C,E | 1 |
Skills |
Competence | Description | Assessment Methods | GMP |
OA_BS_01 |
Obtains a history specifically relevant to the planned anaesthesia and surgery including:
A,D,E | 1 |
OA_BS_02 |
Performs a relevant clinical examination including when appropriate:
A,D,E | 1 |
OA_BS_06 |
Makes appropriate plans for anaesthesia:
A,C,E | 1 |
OA_BS_07 | Presents information to patients [and carers] in a format they understand, checking understanding and allowing time for reflection on the decision to give consent | A,M | 3,4 |
OA_BS_08 | Provides a balanced view of care options | A,C,E,M | 2,3 |