CCT in Anaesthetics - Intermediate Level Training
It is expected that the majority of hospitals with an obstetric unit should be able to deliver it successfully.
Learning outcome:
- To build on experience of basic training to be able to work with distant supervision
Core clinical learning outcomes:
- Able to provide emergency and non-emergency obstetric anaesthetic care in the majority of patients including those with co-morbidities and obstetric complications with distant supervision
- Perform immediate resuscitation of acute obstetric emergencies
NB: All competencies annotated with the letter ‘E’ can be examined in any of the components of the Final examination identified in the FRCA examination blueprint section.
Knowledge |
Competence |
Description |
Assessment Methods |
OB_IK_01 |
Recalls/describes the influence of common concurrent medical diseases on pregnancy |
A,C,E |
1,2 |
OB_IK_02 |
Discusses the obstetric and anaesthetic management of a premature delivery |
A,C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IK_03 |
Discusses the obstetric and anaesthetic management of multiple pregnancy |
A,C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IK_04 |
Explains the classification of placenta praevia and the associated risk to the patient |
A,C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IK_05 |
Recalls/describes the recognition and management of amniotic fluid embolus |
C,E |
1,2 |
OB_IK_06 |
Describes the recognition and management of inverted uterus |
A,C,E |
1,2 |
OB_IK_07 |
Demonstrates understanding of the methods of treating post-dural puncture headache |
A,C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IK_08 |
Discusses common causes of maternal morbidity and mortality, including national reports |
C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IK_09 |
Discusses the particular sensitivity of patient choices in obstetric practice – even when this is not in line with accepted evidence based best practice e.g. choice of birth plan, and refusal of blood products |
A,C,E |
1,2,3,4 |
Skills |
Competence |
Description |
Assessment Method |
OB_IS_01 |
Demonstrates satisfactory assessment of pregnant woman presenting for anaesthesia / analgesia including those with concurrent disease |
A,C,D |
1,2 |
OB_IS_02 |
Demonstrates ability to communicate a balanced view of the advantages, disadvantages, risks and benefits of various forms of analgesia and anaesthesia appropriate to individual patients |
A,D,M |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_03 |
Demonstrates the appropriate use of CSE, subarachnoid, and epidural analgesia for labour |
A,C,D,M |
1,2 |
OB_IS_04 |
Demonstrates the ability to provide intravenous opiate analgesia including PCA for labour |
A,C,D,M |
1,2 |
OB_IS_05 |
Demonstrates the ability to manage complications of regional block including failure to achieve an adequate block |
A,C,D |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_06 |
Demonstrates the ability to provide CSE for an operative delivery |
A,D |
1,2 |
OB_IS_07 |
Demonstrates the ability to choose the most appropriate regional technique for an operative delivery and justify the decision |
A,C,M |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_08 |
Demonstrates the appropriate management of accidental dural puncture and post-dural puncture headache |
A,C,M |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_09 |
Demonstrates the ability to provide intra uterine resuscitation for the “at risk” baby |
A,C,D |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_10 |
Demonstrates the ability to provide appropriate anaesthesia for a caesarean section for placenta praevia under direct supervision |
A,D |
1,2,3,4 |
OB_IS_11 |
Demonstrates the ability to manage a high dependency obstetric patient with distant supervision |
C,M |
1,2,3,4 |