Published: 07/06/2022

HALO Approval Procedure

When approving a HALO, educational supervisors, the assessment faculty, or both should review the evidence presented by the anaesthetist in training, to assure themselves that the evidence indicates that the learning outcomes have been met.

In discussion with the School of Anaesthesia, departments should agree local arrangements for approval of different HALOs. In most cases it is likely that the Educational Supervisor will be responsible for approving the generic professional domains for their respective anaesthetists in training, perhaps with the exception of Safety & Quality Improvement, which could be approved by a QI lead.

For some specialty specific domains, a lead trainer within the assessment faculty may be designated to approve HALOs. This might be the case in Regional Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Transfer, Procedural Sedation, Pain, or Intensive Care. The lead trainer should have clinical experience in the content of that domain and knowledge of the curriculum requirements. Lead trainers fulfil a similar role to CUT supervisors or module leads from the 2010 curriculum.

For the larger clinical domains such as Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion and General Anaesthesia, the HALO should usually be approved by an assessment faculty, which would include educational supervisors and lead trainers.