RCoA responds to expanded mental health support scheme to cover all doctors working in the NHS in England

Published: 05/10/2018

Responding to the announcement by NHS England of  an expanded mental health support scheme to cover all doctors working in the NHS in England, Professor Ravi Mahajan, President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists said:

The Royal College of Anaesthetists has called for the NHS Practitioner Health Programme to be expanded since we published our report on the wellbeing of anaesthetists in training, last year.

“We are extremely pleased by Simon Steven’s announcement and are encouraged by the signal this sends ahead of the publication of the long-term plan for the NHS in England.

“Six in ten (61%) anaesthetists in training told us that their job negatively affected their mental health.  We know this is not just an issue for anaesthetists – it’s an issue that is indiscriminate of specialty or seniority and it is right that support is provided for all doctors across England.

“There is a moral imperative to care for those who care for others, but there is also an economic case when we know that staff absence costs the NHS in England £2.4 billion a year.

"Comparatively modest capital investment in staff facilities to ensure the availability of a hot drink, decent meal and a place to take a break after a long shift could have a major impact on the wellbeing of NHS staff.”