Statement thanking anaesthetists for work during COVID-19 pandemic from the Minister for Care

Published: 05/07/2021

As part of the NHS’ seventy-third birthday celebrations, the Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to share a statement from the Minister of State (Minister for Care), Helen Whately MP, thanking anaesthetists for their work during the COVID-19 crisis.

Helen Whately states:

“The one-year anniversary of COVID-19 offered a sober moment to reflect on the loss and sacrifices that so many have had to endure. I have been, and continue to be, full of admiration and gratitude to our health and care workforce for going above and beyond during one of the greatest challenges that we have had to face together as a country. 

 “Anaesthetists have played a key role in the fight against this terrible disease, looking after the sickest COVID-19 patients and enabling the restoration of elective surgery while continuing to manage successive surges. I want to thank you for your invaluable contribution during this challenging time. 

 “As we emerge from the worst of the pandemic, I look forward to continuing to work with the Royal College and to draw on our experiences during the pandemic to build back a stronger, even better health service.  

 “While I appreciate the pressure that you continue to work under, I just wanted to thank you again for your ongoing commitment and dedication.”