Easy Read and accessible resources
The Patient Information Group works hard to ensure that the College’s patient information resources are accessible to a variety of audiences and individuals with additional needs. In this section you can find resources in a variety of different formats, for example easy read, videos and BSL videos. Some of the resources from this section are from other organisations, but have been approved by the Patient Information Group as helpful for patients.

Having an operation can sound scary, but there are things you can do to help you feel less worried.
This booklet explains some words you might find difficult.
It also shows you what to expect and how to get ready for an operation.

This leaflet was originally prepared by individual anaesthetists at Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust for the use of patients in their own hospital. The College has not been directly involved in its production. However, it has been recognised by the College as useful for wider distribution.
The leaflet is designed to assist with the preparation and management of children attending for day surgery who have learning disabilities or language and communication difficulty.

The College is working in partnership with the international translation charity Translators without Borders (TwB) to provide translations of our most popular patient information leaflets in the 20 most common languages used in the UK, including Welsh. TwB is a non-profit organisation offering language and translation support for humanitarian and development agencies, and other non-profit organisations on a global scale.

A number of automated translation programmes and applications are available online or by changing the settings in browsers to different languages. For example, Google Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and documents into different languages. There are also alternatives if you are using a different browser which are listed below:
- Internet Explorer browser (windows)
Translation through the Bing search engine. - Edge browser (windows)
Translation through the Microsoft Edge Browser. - Firefox (windows and mac)
Translation through the Google Translator extension for Firefox.
The College does not endorse the use of Google Translate or any other translation software or extension. Any person or entity that relies on information obtained from these systems does so at their own risk. When a translation is complete, the user assumes the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. The College is not responsible for any harm or injury that may possibly result from using Google Translate or any other automated translation software or extension.
Video resources from other organisations
The following videos have been produced by Health and Care Videos, a partnership with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, which talks about anaesthesia and risks.
Regional Anaesthesia UK is the specialist society for anaesthetists interested in the field of regional anaesthesia. They have produced the following video specifically for patients having nerve blocks.