The BJA and BJAEd are going digital

Published: 11/11/2021

Please note you are no longer able to opt-in to receiving the BJA or BJA Education online as the deadline has now passed.

The way you access your copy of the British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) and the British Journal of Anaesthesia Education (BJAEd) is changing. Rather than receiving paper copies, members will move to an online format that includes access to the entire archive of articles.

The change will happen in January 2022 for the BJA and July 2022 for the BJAEd. After this time, paper copies of the journal will not be available.

While the BJA is not part of the RCoA, the two organisations have had a long association spanning many years. Both the College and the BJA have a commitment to environmental sustainability. We welcome that the move to digital will save an estimated 110 tonnes of paper annually, an ethos that is in line with our sustainability strategy. We are also pleased to note that the move reflects changes to readers’ online activity, which has seen growth in the number of people opting to read articles online over the last two years.

We know that access to the BJA and BJAEd is highly valued by our members, and we are reassured to see that the new digital delivery retains familiarity as an online flipbook for those who like to read it as a publication (here is an example for the October edition) All previous articles will be available to read or download.

Members will be able to access the new editions through the BJA and BJAEd websites.

Access to the BJA and BJAEd is one of several benefits you receive as a member of the College and/or one of our Faculties. We offer benefits and services to support you throughout your career, from access to the Lifelong Learning platform and its CPD functionality, to support and guidance through examinations, clinical practice guidance and revalidation. See the Benefits of membership section of the RCoA website for a full list.

If you have any questions about this news, please contact the Membership Engagement team at:

The team will also be pleased to help If you need assistance logging in to the BJA and BJAEd websites – email as above including your name, your College Reference Number (CRN) and your request, including screen shots of any error messages you see when attempting to log in.