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We are pleased to announce that, following an open tender process, Professor John McLachlan has been appointed to carry out an independent external review of the FRCA, FFICM and FFPMRCA examinations.
Today the Royal College of Anaesthetists launches Anaesthesia on Air, a podcast channel which brings together experts from various sectors of anaesthesia in conversation to discuss all things related to our specialty.
Changes proposed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists will see a greater emphasis placed on making its Council more representative of members, including increasing the number of Anaesthetists in Training and expanding this to cover all the main stages of training.
Following the government announcement on 19 January 2022 that all Plan B COVID-19 restrictions would now be allowed to expire - the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) have issued a joint statement.