Examinations Regulations

Published: 26/07/2019

Section 2: Commencement and Revocation


(a)  These Regulations shall come into force on 1 December 2019 and will apply to examinations commencing on or after that date.

(b)  These Examination Regulations made by the Education Training and Examinations (ETE) Board of the Royal College of Anaesthetists supersede any previous regulations which are hereby revoked.

(c) These examination regulations are approved and kept under review by the Examinations Committee and Council.  The College reserves the right to make changes to these regulations from time to time so they remain up to date and in line with current practice.  The College, in emergency situations, may be required to make amendments to the regulations or take decisions that are not fully detailed in these regulations for the proper and effective running of these regulations.  In these circumstances, decisions such as these will only be followed with the approval of Council and by informing the regulator.