Stage 2 equivalent training guidance

Published: 19/05/2021

Experience and evidence to be demonstrated


Specific experience and learning requirements are outlined in the following pages, structured around the domains of learning that comprise the new curriculum.

Evidence for the generic professional domains

Professional behaviours and communication, Management and Professional and Regulatory Requirements, Team Working, Safety and Quality Improvement, Safeguarding, Education and Training, Research and Managing Data

  • Evidence required for the generic professional learning outcomes is detailed in the following pages. Some of this may have been collected during intermediate training and may be transferred to the EQ2 tab on the LLp
  • Quality Improvement project: leadership of a local project with presentation of results and implementation of outcomes.


The following pages provide examples of the varieties of evidence that may be used to show achievement of the learning outcomes.

Evidence may come in the form of Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) such as A-CEX, DOPS, CBD, ALMAT, and A-QIPAT. It may also be in the form of personal activities such as courses, eLearning, teaching sessions, simulation training, or attendance at departmental meetings.

SLEs generated for specialty-specific domains can also be used to evidence attainment of the capabilities in the generic professional domains.

There are many examples and anaesthetists in training may sample from the lists or give other evidence if relevant.

This guidance is intended as a guide only and other evidence may be used if relevant.

Evidence for the generic professional domains may have been included previously in the non-clinical section of the LLp.

Logbook data is also part of the evidence of experience.

Evidence existing from previous years in training may be used. This may include existing Completion of Unit of Training (CUT) forms.

The full Final FRCA exam is required by the end of ST5.