ACSA accreditation for four hospitals within the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Published: 27/09/2023

Four hospitals within the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust have been reaccredited under the prestigious Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) scheme. 

Trafford General Hospital and the Oxford Road Campus, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester Eye Hospital and St Mary’s Hospital have all been reaccredited demonstrating their commitment to patient safety and excellence of care. .

ACSA is the RCoA’s peer-reviewed scheme that promotes quality improvement and the highest standards of anaesthetic service. To receive accreditation, departments are expected to demonstrate high standards in areas such as patient experience, patient safety and clinical leadership.

ACSA lead reviewer, Dr Nick Spittle said:

“I would like to congratulate Manchester University Hospitals on achieving ACSA reaccreditation. The visiting ACSA team were very impressed with how the department delivers a consistent, high quality, and patient-focused anaesthetic service across a complex series of sites and services.

The reaccreditation is well deserved, and the department should be very proud of their achievement.”

Dr Rhys Clayton, Consultant Anaesthetist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“We are delighted to have achieved ACSA reaccreditation from the Royal College of Anaesthetists. This ongoing process ensures that we have the best possible clinical governance structure in place to support our clinicians in developing excellent patient care throughout Manchester Royal Infirmary, Royal Eye Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital and Trafford General Hospital.”

Dr Russell Perkins, Vice-President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists said:

“I would like to offer my personal congratulations to the entire anaesthetic department on achieving ACSA accreditation. It is very impressive to see the commitment and approach of the whole department to sustaining their standards. They have demonstrated their ability and passion for providing the best possible care for their patients.

“Patient safety is at the heart of what we do as a Medical Royal College. The quality improvement demonstrated during the accreditation process has helped the department manage the immense tasks presented to them by COVID-19 and the resumption of normal services.   

“It was impressive to see the innovative practices taking place at the hospital, and the excellent commitment from all staff during the process. As well as meeting the standards, the department demonstrated many areas of excellent advanced practice that have now been highlighted for sharing through the ACSA network.”