Extraordinary General Meeting on 10 February

Published: 21/01/2022

Changes proposed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists will enable the College to work more efficiently and effectively to deliver services to the membership and benefit to the public.  Changes to the Board of Trustees include making it smaller and more streamlined, ready to deal with the College’s business. There will be a guaranteed place for an Anaesthetist in Training and one for an SAS (Staff Grade Associate Specialist and Specialty) doctor.  As before, there will be three Lay Trustees to bring challenge and an external perspective.

The membership would also be given more powers, including the power to remove Trustees, the power to requisition meetings and propose their own motions at any time during the year. In addition, the right to support a nomination for election to Council - currently only available to Fellows – would now be extended to the membership as a whole.

The proposals were developed by an external charity governance consultant, working with the College’s lawyers. They come out of extensive consultation with Council, Trustees, membership representatives, senior staff and benchmarking with other Medical Royal Colleges.

The proposals form a single raft of measures that the membership will be asked to vote for at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 10 February.

To book a place and to see the proposals in full, visit our events page. There is also an online chatroom where people can ask questions about the proposal documents and see answers so that they are as fully informed as possible ahead of the vote.