Opportunities for Anaesthetists in Training

The College encourages Anaesthetists in Training to undertake placements within programmes where there is evidence of high quality teaching, training and/or raising standards.

The College is keen to support anaesthetists and Anaesthetists in Training undertaking out-of-programme posts in low and middle-income countries. The CCT programme has an ‘Anaesthesia in developing countries’ unit of training that can be completed whilst undertaking a placement overseas as an OOPT if it can be demonstrated that the learning outcomes will meet the curriculum requirements.  Those wishing to undertake an OOPT will need to apply to the Training Committee in the usual way.

We have a robust process in place to ensure that we only support posts of high quality and we allocate an experienced Remote Educational Supervisor (RES) in the UK to advise each individual doctor throughout their fellowship.

Working in Zambia has been a wonderful cross cultural learning opportunity. It offers ample exposure to develop teaching skills and anaesthetise challenging clinical cases

Dr Lowri Bowen
ST7, 2014

Open for application

2x OOPT Opportunities at BKL Walawalker Hospital, India

Applications are invited for x2 Visiting Educational Fellows in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at BKL Walawalker Hospital. Please see the advertisement here.

Global Anaesthesia Fellow – Ethiopia Anaesthesia Development Project (EADP)

EADP provides educational and clinical support to the anaesthesia training program at Addis Ababa University. The Fellowship will allow you to strengthen and develop the existing training program by providing clinical and classroom teaching. To also help co-ordinate an international volunteer faculty and support the local department. Please click here for more information and how to apply.

If you have any queries or require further information please contact us via global@rcoa.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)207 092 1559