2021 Curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics

Published: 10/01/2023

Anaesthetists in training requiring additional support

For most anaesthetists in training the ARCP will confirm that they are on course to complete training without difficulty. For those not progressing as expected, additional help and support must be given to enable them to fulfil the requirements of the programme. The College strongly encourages all supervised training sessions to be assessed formatively so that anaesthetists in training who are experiencing difficulties come to the attention of trainers early. This should give the anaesthetist in training time to try and overcome the deficiencies identified and allow trainers to target training and support. If the problems identified are related to attitudes and behaviours, the use of nontechnical skills assessment and targeted training may be required.

Any difficulties should feed into the appraisal process, via the ESSR and MSF and consultant feedback. If local trainers are unable to remedy the situation, the ARCP panel must be made aware via the ESSR so that directed learning objectives can then be set. Help might involve a combination of extra supervision, counselling, or focused training. Those involved in the review should take account of any relevant external factors which may have affected progress in training. Anaesthetists in training should be aware that the outcome of meetings with their clinical and educational supervisors will, with their knowledge, help inform the assessment process and therefore the ARCP panel; such discussions should be recorded.

Where progress is not judged satisfactory at the ARCP there are courses of action that may follow; more information can be found in the ‘Gold Guide’ [external link].

Guidance for anaesthetists in training who have not passed the FRCA examinations is available on the Examinations pages of the RCoA website.