2021 Curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics

Published: 29/11/2022

Development of the anaesthetics curriculum

Responsibility for the anaesthetics curriculum rests with the RCoA Training, Curriculum, and Assessment Committee. The committee established the Anaesthetic Curriculum Review Group (ACRG) with delegated responsibility for setting the direction of the curriculum revisions and overseeing and approving the review work. The group’s membership represents a wide range of stakeholders including the President’s Office, Council and Faculties, the Lead Dean for Anaesthetics, Regional Advisors Anaesthesia (RAAs), College Tutors, Clinical Directors, Anaesthetists in training, and lay/patient groups.

The curriculum for anaesthetics has been developed with the support and input of anaesthetists in training, consultants actively involved in delivering teaching and training across the UK, specialist societies, service representatives and lay persons. This has been through the work of the ACRG and its subgroups and at regular stakeholder engagement events.

Ongoing curriculum review

The curriculum will be reviewed regularly with an implementation date for any changes being not less than six months after their publication date. All changes to the curriculum are prospectively approved by the GMC before publication. When published, the curriculum document will be annotated with the same version number and will be available on the College website. A summary of changes will be published with the new version of the curriculum and available on the RCoA website.

Occasionally the RCoA Training, Curriculum, and Assessment Committee may have to take decisions that may affect the immediate interpretation or application of specific items in this curriculum document of supporting guidance manuals. These will be published as a ‘Training Programme Update’ circular to all RAAs and Deputy Regional Advisers (DRAAs), College Tutors, Training Programme Directors (TPDs) and Heads of Schools [or deanery/Local Education Training Board (LETB) equivalent], as well as being cascaded to anaesthetist in training groups and published on the College website.