2021 Curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics

Published: 29/11/2022

The training environment

This curriculum should be used to help design training programmes locally that ensure all anaesthetists can develop their anaesthetic practice in a variety of settings and situations. It is designed to ensure that it can be applied in a flexible manner, meeting service needs as well as supporting each anaesthetist in training’s learning and development plan. The requirements for the provision of training have not changed as a result of this new curriculum. All training must comply with the GMC requirements presented in Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training [external link]. This stipulates that all training must comply with the following ten standards:

Theme 1: Learning environment and culture

S1.1 The learning environment is safe for patients and supportive for learners and educators. The culture is caring, compassionate and provides a good standard of care and experience for patients, carers and families.

S1.2 The learning environment and organisational culture value and support education and training, so that learners are able to demonstrate what is expected in Good Medical Practice and to achieve the learning outcomes required by their curriculum.

Theme 2: Educational governance and leadership

S2.1 The educational governance system continuously improves the quality and outcomes of education and training by measuring performance against the standards, demonstrating accountability and responding when standards are not being met.

S2.2 The educational and clinical governance systems are integrated, allowing organisations to address concerns about patient safety, the standard of care, and the standard of education and training.

S2.3 The educational governance system makes sure that education and training is fair and is based on the principles of equality and diversity.

Theme 3: Supporting learners

S3.1 Learners receive educational and pastoral support to be able to demonstrate what is expected in Good Medical Practice, and to achieve the learning outcomes required by their curriculum.

Theme 4: Supporting educators

S4.1 Educators are selected, inducted, trained, and appraised to reflect their education and training responsibilities.

S4.2 Educators receive the support, resources and time to meet their education and training responsibilities.

Theme 5: Developing and implementing curricula and assessments

S5.1 Medical school curricula and assessments are developed and implemented so that medical students are able to achieve the learning outcomes required for graduates.

S5.2 Postgraduate curricula and assessments are developed and implemented so that doctors in training are able to demonstrate what is expected in Good Medical Practice, and to achieve the learning outcomes required by their curriculum.

It is the responsibility of HEE and its local offices, NES, HEIW, and NIMDTA to ensure compliance with these standards for anaesthetic training, and to notify the RCoA if further support is required in achieving this. Training delivery must also comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the COPMeD’s ‘Gold Guide’ [external link].