2021 Curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics

Published: 29/11/2022

Rationale for the anaesthetics curriculum

The Shape of Training Review [external link] and the GMC’s Excellence by design: standards for postgraduate curricula [external link] provide an opportunity to reform postgraduate training to produce a workforce fit for the needs of patients, producing a doctor who is more patient focused, more general and has more flexibility in career structure. The GMCs introduction of updated standards for curricula and assessment processes laid out in Excellence by design, requires all medical curricula to be based on high-level outcomes and also to incorporate the GPCs framework [external link]. The curriculum is constituted of seven generic professional domains and seven specialty-specific domains of learning outcomes to be achieved by all anaesthetists as they progress through each stage of training, and ultimately attain a CCT.

The curriculum for anaesthetics incorporates and emphasises the importance of the GPCs, which provide the educational articulation of Good Medical Practice [external link]. Such common capabilities will promote flexibility in postgraduate training in line with the recommendations set out in the GMC’s report to the four UK governments [external ink], ensuring a sustainable model for anaesthetic training agile enough to respond to evolving patient need and service opportunities, as well as resulting in a more flexible, adaptable workforce.

The curriculum provides further detail and guidance as to how the HLOs can be achieved and demonstrated in section 5.